Cyber Security Solved !

Cyber Security Solved !

Myth: We have Anti-Virus Software and a Firewall, so it's unlikely we will be hacked.

Firewalls and Anti-Virus software will certainly make you less vulnerable to known viruses but don't guarantee you won't be hacked. Even corporations who spend millions on IT and cyber security get hacked every day. People are often the weakest link in the security chain. According to IBM, 95% of cyber-attacks are a result of human error.

Myth: We don’t hold any sensitive data so no one would be interested in attacking us.

Every business that relies on a computer system (and that’s pretty much everyone!) is a possible target. If you bank online, send emails or hold any client information online then your business is a target. Cyber breaches can sometimes be more than just stealing data. The aim can be to cause maximum business interruption, mostly for financial reward to the hacker.

Question: Why is it getting harder for staff to identify suspicious emails.

Cyber threats are evolving and becoming more sophisticated. They're not the far-fetched email scams we used to see. Emails can look like they're from genuine sources, even from your colleagues or your boss. It’s very difficult for employees to spot suspicious emails. Comprehensive staff training to help employees identify and stay vigilant against cyber threats is vital

>Myth: We outsource our IT so we don’t have to worry about things like cyber-security.

Using an IT expert is smart but you’re still exposed, responsible and probably liable. If your data is lost or stolen, you're accountable for notification requirements, regulatory investigations and fines. It’s your reputation on the line. And if your IT provider suffers business interruption, you could also find yourself out of action. Claiming back losses from an IT partner can be tricky, with tight contractual terms limiting their liability.

Myth: Hackers only go after big business. We’re too small to be a target.

Cyber criminals target the most vulnerable businesses, not just the most valuable. We don’t hear about these cyber-breaches so much in the news, but a recent UK report found that 58% of cyber-security victims were small businesses. Cyber criminals see SMEs as easy targets because they don’t have sophisticated IT systems and processes and are also more likely to ‘pay’ than spend money on IT consultants, lawyers or PR consultants to deal with a security breach.

Question: Could a cyber-attack put me out of business?

Most businesses do recover over time but there are many that don’t.

The impact of an attack is much greater than you think:

Not being able to operate for days, even weeks, can reduce your revenue and ability to pay staff and suppliers.
Inability to service clients can mean they go elsewhere.
You lose the trust of clients.
Your ability to attract new clients can be reduced.
You may have fines to pay.
Your clients could make claims against you to cover their losses.
Many business owners suffer serious emotional and physical stress.

Myth: No one ever pays those ridiculous bitcoin ransoms.

Many companies do pay and that’s why cyber criminals keep doing it.
It’s estimated that around 55% of small businesses pay out. The Better Business Bureau says the average annual loss is about $US80,000. Best practice is NOT to pay the ransom. Just because a ransom is paid, it doesn't necessarily mean that the criminals are out of your system, or are going to give back your data in its original state. It could also lead to more attacks if cyber criminals know that you will pay.

Myth: We back up all our systems so a cyber-attack would only affect us for a short time.

Backing up data regularly may make it quicker to get up and running again but it’s not a fool-proof strategy. Best practice is to tell clients that others have accessed their data.
You don’t know what the hacker might do with that data in the future. Regardless of downtime there are still significant financial and reputational impacts. Back-ups won’t help if a hacker accesses your bank accounts.

Myth: If a hacker really wants to get in to our systems they'll find a way.

The sad reality is that this is actually true. Many of the world’s biggest companies, with huge IT cyber security budgets, have been hacked. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t make it difficult for the criminals and do all you can to minimise the impact if they succeed. Often hackers are opportunists, looking for those who haven’t been as careful as they should be, rather than targeting specific companies.

Myth: We have business insurance so we’ll be covered if anything happens.

Unfortunately this is not always the case. Many traditional business insurance policies – like fire and general and professional indemnity – won't cover you in the event of a cyber incident.
In New Zealand, company directors have a legal duty to act in the best interests of their company, and this includes cybersecurity.
Standalone cyber insurance policies have been developed based on a better understanding of potential risks and impacts. They are purpose-built and provide broader cover. However the Insurers will rightfully want to make sure you are not negligent on your responsibilities to protect your business. We can help you with this as we have found their application forms tend to ask awkward questions that many business owners don't know or understand.

Talk with us - Let us help you achieve "technology solved" by implementing robust cyber security solutions that protect your business

If you have gotten this far then you might like to checkout an article on our blog called The Art of Avoiding Ransomware

External Links you might like to browse regarding Cyber Security in New Zealand:

New Zealand National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)
Cert NZ: The Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB)


Cyber Security Solved !